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Most people imagine getting pregnant is easy, but the reality is that the reproductive potential of the human species is low. Even young people without any fertility problems have a pregnancy chance of around 25% in each cycle. It is therefore recommended to seek a fertility specialist after one year of trying, which corresponds to a cumulative 90% chance of becoming pregnant. Unless a woman is over 35, her fertility begins to decline faster, so it is recommended to reduce the wait time to see the specialist by 6 months. The cause of infertility can originate from internal genetics, age or external environment and habits factors. The use of IUI comes useful in this case.

Different tests may be ordered to detect the cause of infertility, but most of the time the solution will be between two treatments: Artificial Insemination or In-vitro Fertilization (IVF). Being only minor changes, those can be resolved with other indications and support from a gynecologist or urologist without the need for an assisted human reproduction specialist.

Main Causes of Female Infertility

Ovulatory factor: problems with ovulation, lack of ovulation or poor quality of eggs. Sometimes ovulation problems arise with the natural drop in fertility. This is because the eggs are born with the woman and are losing quality over the years, unlike the sperm, which are produced continuously throughout the life of man,

Tubal Factor: Due to injury or obstruction in the fallopian tubes

Endometriosis: Endometriosis does not always cause infertility, but the progression of this disease, which is characterized by the presence of the internal tissue of the uterus outside its place of origin, which may compromise fertility or make it difficult. There are situations where endometriosis must be treated to enable spontaneous pregnancy. However, surgical recovery time is required before pregnancy, so the specialist will analyze the cost-benefit of surgery for the patient, considering the chances of restoring fertility and having a good ovarian reserve until recovery occurs.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Chlamydia is currently considered the leading cause of preventable infertility. If not treated on time, the infection can compromise the fallopian tubes, when treated on time, will allow the woman to get pregnant spontaneously. Other risk factors that often, if treated early, allow fertility recovery: thyroid disease, antidepressant use, alcohol consumption, drugs, smoking, and obesity.

Main Causes of Male Infertility

Changes in sperm production: poor sperm quality and mobility,

Varicocele: 40% of male infertility cases are due to varicocele, also known as testicular varicose veins. Many times before attempting an in vitro fertilization treatment, the specialist tries to treat the cause of varicose veins to reverse the infertility picture. The indication will depend on each case.

Genital tract changes or erection problems

Other risk factors if treated early allow fertility recovery: alcohol consumption, anabolic steroids, drugs, smoking and obesity

How is the treatment of Artificial Insemination?

Artificial Insemination (AI) treatment, also known as Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), consists of light stimulation of the ovaries, monitoring of ovulation and at the time of ovulation, injecting laboratory-collected sperm into the uterine cavity. Basically Artificial Insemination shortens the distance between the egg and sperm to facilitate pregnancy, being a treatment recommended for young couples with mild cases of infertility.